Tuesday 5 April 2011

Week2 bloging virgin

Before work this morning I had plans to do so many things.  I was going to wake up early and go for a work, when I got back from my walk I was going to do the washing while I was making rock cakes to bring into work for morning tea.  However, due to the fact that I slept until 8am I was unable to go for a walk and when I went to the pantry to there were no sultanas so I couldn't even use my new oven to bake the rock cakes.  So here I am at work - no walk and no rock cakes.


  1. A likely story!! Slept in, no sultanas = no rock cakes!! Oh well, we could probably do without the extra kilojoules...(sigh)

  2. Hahaha you've just written the story of my life. And here was I thinking we were going to have a pre-work golf story. By the way, is a singapore girl a bit like a geisha?
